What To Do After An Accident
What To Do After An Accident Driving is probably the most dangerous thing most of us will ever do. According to the National Highway...
Marriages: Do Couples Need More Than Love to Last?
Marriages Can End In Divorce About 40 to 50 Percent of the Time “All You Need is Love” may be one of the greatest songs written by The...
Boost in Home Prices Leads Some to File for Divorce
A recent article in the Los Angeles Timesdiscussed how the improving economy has had an impact on the number of divorce cases filed...
Holiday Season Approaching -- What Divorcing Parents Need to Prepare for
It is that time of year again where we have a number of family traditions approaching. We are coming up to Thanksgiving followed by the...
Actually Some Very Good Advice for Divorcing Parents
Here's my advice: 1. Separate your kids when telling them about the divorce. This was my smartest moment. We had been so careful about...
When Divorce Mediation is Used as a Stall Tactic
Let me start by stating that our Firm is a huge supporter of divorce mediation. Under the right circumstances it is not only a cost...
The Challenges of Going Pro Se in Custody Disputes
Our office routinely get calls from parents who for a number of reasons are pro se (representing themselves) in their custody disputes....
Charlie Sheen Makes Interesting Child Support Deal with Ex-Wife
Charlie Sheen agrees to pay ex-wife, Brooke Mueller child support despite not having custody over their twins. Sheen and Mueller were...
Foreclosures On The Rise – No End In Sight
Foreclosures On The Rise – No End In Sight It’s been years since rogue mortgage market collapsed causing our economy to tailspin out of...
College Graduates File For Bankruptcy
College Graduates File For Bankruptcy More individuals with college degrees are finding themselves in bankruptcy, according to a new...